creating an instance of a blueprint and making changes to the instance will not respect "Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default" when pressed from Details Pane. ...
If an actor is spawned using game instance blueprint, a packaged .exe will crash upon loading. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...
Timeline name changes do not propagate to related nodes. Refresh All does not rename nodes that reference the timeline, and Getters and Setters are no longer valid nodes. Reproduced in 4.7.2 binary ...
After place a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume into a level, launching the game and pressing the [ ' ] key to show information about the Nav mesh the print string stops working. If the User closes the game w ...
Startup movies are skipped when World Composition is enabled. Even with the 'Wait for Movies to Complete' option enabled, the startup movie plays for a very short time, and then the level is loaded ...
A Pass-by-Reference function input cannot accept a reference to Self. Workaround: Cast from Self to the desired class and use that for the function's input. ...
Looking at several blueprints during play, that add multiple static meshes in their construction script, drastically drops the FPS. As a workaround, I suggested to the user that he should use Insta ...
When using an FLinearColor variable in a data table and editing it using the color picker, clicking anywhere off of the color picker window will cause the editor to crash. Error Message: Assertio ...
If the user is pressing a button and then uses one of the virtual joysticks the "Is Pressed" node will return false even if the user is still holding down the button. ...
A crash occurs when deleting a Media Player asset from the Content Browser that contained a previously referenced Sound Wave asset. This issue does not occur in any past engine versions as the prev ...