This is a common crash in the 4.16 release (affecting Windows and Mac). A log file is attached. Users have not provided descriptions so additional information is not currently available. Windows C ...
This Mac crash originally occurred in 4.15 around March 2017, then decreased in frequency during 4.16 and 4.17. It may be starting to trend again in 4.18. There is one record of this occurring in 4 ...
A project does not cook with actors containing ModularSynth component. The error is a follows UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Cook: LogWindows: Error: begin: stack for UAT UATHelper: Pack ...
A project does not cook with actors containing ModularSynth component. The error is a follows UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Cook: LogWindows: Error: begin: stack for UAT UATHelper: Pack ...
The Ellipsis overflow method on text widgets can cause an ensure to trip as a result of a render batch being sent with no indices. We could guard against this in SlateRHIRenderingPolicy by checking ...
A crash occurs when setting the WorldGridMaterial from the Engine Content to the Unlit Shading Model and pressing apply. ...
Packaging with plugins GearVR and GoogleVR together cause build failed with multiple definitions of GetHMD(). Log attached for build error and error portion plugged into the callstack box. ...
Drawing a material to a render target when that material samples an RVT can cause an editor crash. In our testing, the check() did not always occur on the first PIE session, but would always occur ...
In BuildProject.txt, to make relative path to the project outside the engine root, all paths contains “..” after action command directory. D:/dev/UnrealEngine-5.5.0//HLODTemp/f09bf0f5/HLODBuilder0 ...
FNiagaraParameterStore::UnbindAll() may be called from both GameThread and RenderingThread. Each may modify the same Binding array, it causes infrequent crashes. In my environment, I was able to r ...