OnRep functions not overrideable in child BPs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 27, 2018

The function that is Auto-Generated when creating RepNotify Variables is not overrideable in child blueprints. (Potentially involved with the inability to add inputs/outputs to OnRep_ functions) ...

Setting a parent and child static mesh scale to negative effects the rotation on child movement

UE - Gameplay - Jun 1, 2016

Setting a parent and child static mesh scale to negative effects the rotation on child movement This is a regression. Worked in 4.11.2. User Description: We have a simple project example (see att ...

M_Cave_Ground_Mud has an error which keeps floor in Particle Effects Sample from Rendering

Docs - Samples - Sep 29, 2015

Something must have changed with how LERP's or Vector Transforms deal with a float 0 value, which breaks this particular material Error:[Image Removed] Fix:[Image Removed] ...

Blueprint CanJump node will return true once after current jumps is over max jumps and never return true again

UE - Gameplay - Sep 5, 2016

CanJump Blueprint node will return true for 1 jump after "MaxJumps" and if this happens, will never return true again, even after Character has landed and CurrentJumps has reset. ...

Performing a hot reload on a project that contains an FStringAssetReference will crash the Editor.

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 10, 2015

Performing a hot reload on a project that contains an FStringAssetReference inside a struct results in a crash. This was reported to work fine in 4.6.1, but I was unable to verify that is the case. ...

Cannot Create Data Asset Derived from Blueprint/C++ Classes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 26, 2017

When creating a new data asset, it is not possible to select a Data Asset C++ Class or Derived Blueprint as its base class. This did not occur in 4.15.1, this is a regression. ...

Plugin Type breaks XCode syntax hightlighting

UE - Platform - Apple - May 16, 2017

Setting a plugin module's type to "Editor" causes syntax highlighting in XCode to break for .cpp files in that module. Setting the type back to Runtime fixes the behavior ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_PropertyEditor!FDetailCategoryImpl::GetParentLayout() [detailcategorybuilderimpl.h:166]

Tools - Aug 22, 2017

This is an intermittent crash occurring in the 4.17 release. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. The callstack is similar to [Link Removed], fixed i ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Kismet!SBlueprintPaletteItem::OnNameTextCommitted() [sblueprintpalette.cpp:1319]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 28, 2017

This is a trending crash after the 4.17.2 hotfix, although it has existed since the 4.16.1 hotfix. User Descriptionswas creating a new graph in a blueprint ...