Adding a material to a mesh that is affected by world position offset has reduced tessellation around the meshes edges. This is seen when viewed in wireframe and is influenced based off of the angle ...
Crash Report: [Link Removed] After downloading latest revision, user is no longer able to open project due to constant crash. ...
When switching the preview rendering level to any of the mobile shader models and opening a new level, the preview rendering level does not get reapplied to that particular level. This is contrary t ...
Collision filtering is producing unexpected results in certain setup. Objects are passing through one another when they are expected to collide. ...
Setting the avoidance group using the Set Avoidance Group node does not set the value of the group selected to true inside of the Avoidance Group struct. ...
It looks like this occurs when the grandchild instance window is open. If you close and reopen the Grandchild's window the parameter appears as expected. I've attached a project with the setup step ...
Material Alignment on BSPs are not functioning in 4.8.0 Release. This is a regression from 4.7.6. The issue does appear to be fixed and functional in 4.9 (Promotable-CL-2581018) ...
In ShooterCharacter.cpp (line 376) there is a call to FMath::Min(0.1f, DeathAnimDurtation) that always returns 0.1. User suggests changing FMath::Min() to FMath::Max(). ...
Bug report from UDN thread. His point seems sound, we should fix it. ...
Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Opening a project created in 4.6.1 with 4.7 built from GitHub branch 20150203 (last commit: 5bac1375be31053932c7b9123cc3bb94c70dd5e0) results in crash. ...