[AI] StateTree can get stuck in a loop when a sub-tree returns Tree Succeeded

UE - AI - StateTree - May 30, 2023

After a change to how StateTree handles Sub-trees returning succeeded, StateTree can now get caught in a loop when trying to transition out of the StateTree. Sub-tree completion and status should tr ...

Actor attached to other actor in LevelInstance has very large bounds

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - May 26, 2023

Attached actors do not return to LevelInstance space at the end of LevelInstance editing, and bounds contains level instance offset location. This results in huge bounds. My workaround is:  void FL ...

GeometryCollectionComponent take +1 frame to be marked as dirty

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 25, 2023

Debugging the code I have been able to verify that in GeometryCollectionComponent.cpp line:2318, the if condition happens every two frames. I think DynamicCollection is not setting all the frames a ...

Performance concerns with control rig component initialization

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - May 18, 2023

Report from a licensee that InitializeControlRigComponent using CR_Frame_Destructible in city sample is taking a lot of frame time.  It seems that a lot of time is being spent hashing and also URigV ...

Sampling UV1 on a Nanite mesh with one UV channel returns a constant value

UE - Rendering Architecture - May 17, 2023

This is general for any UV channel past what the static mesh has, rather than specifically for UV channel 1. ...

Destroying a beacon from a RPC no longer destroys the beacon actor

UE - Networking - May 16, 2023

This seems to be because of recent changes made for [Link Removed]. Now that UNetDriver::bInTick is being properly tracked for derived classes, AOnlineBeacon::CleanupNetDriver is now deferring destr ...

Use a shared context in Loading instead of copying the LinkerInstancingContext

UE - DEET - EditorLoader - May 12, 2023

Current LinkerInstancingContext are copying instead of being shared internally during loading which can induce a lot of memory usage when used with World Partition which can contains a lot of mappin ...

Mesh reduction modules selection aren't properly applied on engine restart

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - May 4, 2023

Recent changes in the MeshReductionManagerModule::StartupModule() have introduced issues where it won't respect what reduction modules have been set in the config file. This is a big issue for plugi ...

Skeletal mesh bones cannot be selected in the viewport of the IK Retargeter

UE - Anim - Rigging - Retargeting - May 2, 2023

Skeletal mesh bones cannot be selected in the viewport of the IK Retargeter. They can still be selected via the bone name hierarchy. Reproduces in the following://UE5/Release-5.1 CL 2390901//UE5/Re ...