When adding new HISM instances, actors using SpeedTree -> WorldPositionOffset material are reset. 4.19 Repro project provided by user. I was unable to get WPO wind working in 4.18, I did noticed th ...
Foliage: Speed tree wind is reset for every add/remove/update on instances What is happening:When we invalidate the render state, proxy are recreated, causing the wind to be removed and add again, ...
There is a performance difference between spawning and placing AI into a level. This is causing issues when spawning/despawning AI actors in a large open world, where 4-5ms of frame time quickly bui ...
Reproduce and confirm what is going on with the input/output. AJA output in interlaced format, should provide 30 frames at 60fps. For each frame, 1 field should contains the odd line of the image a ...
When playing a replay with DemoPlayTImeDilation set to 5, and jumping around the timeline using GotoTimeInSeconds(), the play back can break, with game actors freezing and violently shaking. It seem ...
This is caused by FLightmassMaterialProxy doesn't have GetStaticParameterSet() function. (FMaterial::GetStaticParameterSet() is called.) It can be fixed by adding the following function to FLightma ...
When using SessionFrontend on some devices, when leaving the app (going to the home screen or another app) or sometimes locking the device there is no more audio after returning to the game. "It lo ...
There's a bug in the anim bp compiler which results in split pins on animation nodes not being merged properly back onto their parent pin during compilation. The result of this is that any input to ...
The "untracked" metadata field turns off tracking of soft object references so they will not appear in the content browser or modify things like cooking rules. It works fine on individual references ...
There are pink lighting spots around the level when opening ContentExamples on Mac. Lighting starts out more intense but fades as the level loads in. Also occurs in new FirstPersonBlueprint templat ...