There is an issue when attempting to reorder blueprints where Blueprint Function Reorder displays error tooltip when trying to reorder functions. In previous engine versions, functions could not be ...
This behavior has been observed in 4.18.3, 4.19.2, and Main (CL 4048405). Note that adding BP_Sky_Sphere to the scene and assigning the Directional Light Actor to it will fix the issue. Per User: ...
This behavior has been observed in 4.18.3, 4.19.2, and Main (CL 4048405). Note that adding BP_Sky_Sphere to the scene and assigning the Directional Light Actor to it will fix the issue. Per User: ...
I received a report that there is a situation in UE 4.21 that it is not possible to acquire push notification device token on iOS And they seem to have solved the problem by fixing the following pa ...
SynthComponent does not execute OnStop() after calling Stop(). OnStop() will be called in PumpPendingMessages() via OnGeneratePCMAudio(). But after stopping the AudioComponent, the procedural Sound ...
Crash when plugging Depth Fade to Base Color and using Required Texture Resolution mode Hi, We have a material that uses the Depth Fade node for the Opacity and Base Color. However, the engine cras ...
A licensee is reporting a sim proxy is playing a networked anim montage with root motion, that the rotation changes will fight between what's produced in ::SimulateRootMotion and ::SmoothClientPosit ...
The Niagara preview viewport seems to be fixed at a 30fps update time, which makes it difficult to fine-tune short lifetime FX. It would be good to either have options for viewport max fps, or for s ...
Folders with periods in the name will crash when attempting to import them. ...
When importing an asset like a Texture asset using the steps mentioned in the Repro steps, the imported asset does not have the correct relative path listed under the newly-created asset's "Source F ...