Level Sequences can't reference actors that reside in Level Instances different from the ones they are executed from.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Aug 10, 2024

Level Sequences can reference many actors, but the references are not solved if the actor is not in the same Level Instance as the one the Level Sequence is being played from, or the root level from ...

Ortho near plane clips geometry in Editor Top view

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 9, 2024

When the viewport is in Top (ortho) Lit mode the near plane clips through geometry as you zoom the view in and out. ...

Material base color is lighter on Nanite meshes when using 16-bit GBuffer

UE - Graphics Features - Nanite - Aug 6, 2024

The base color is brighter on Nanite meshes than non-Nanite meshes when GBuffer Format is set to "Force 16-bits per channel" (r.GBufferFormat 5) even though the meshes are using the same material. ...

MemReport does not seem to respect mesh streaming

UE - Rendering Architecture - Aug 6, 2024

The function "FStaticMeshLODResources::GetResourceSizeEx(...)" does not take into account that the buffers might be emptied, due to Mesh Streaming. This causes "obj list" to report sizes larger than ...

Screen Probes and Specular Firefly Flickering near screen edges

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Aug 6, 2024

Lumen's rough specular indirect lighting buffer can have fireflies along the bottom and right edges of the screen. Also tested in //UE5/Main, CL: 35177423 ...

Crash when a subsystem calls GetSubsystemArray() on its owner while engine code is iterating on subsystems also obtained through GetSubsystemArray()

UE - Gameplay - Aug 6, 2024

In some occasions, engine code iterates over a certain subsystem type by calling FSubsystemCollection::GetSubsystemArray() and then calling some method on all subsystems of the returned array. This ...

In a LevelSequenceActor, binding the Sequence Player via Details Panel is not firing any events once the condition is met.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 5, 2024

In a LevelSequenceActor, binding the Sequence Player via Details Panel is not firing events related to the execution of the designated Level Sequence Asset. Manually binding on BP (pulling a connect ...

r.VolumetricRenderTarget.PreferAsyncCompute producing different visuals

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 2, 2024

When the cvar "r.VolumetricRenderTarget.PreferAsyncCompute" is enabled, it will cause Volumetric Clouds to ignore the influence of Volumetric Fog. In high-fog environments, this can cause the clouds ...

Issue with Landscape Layer Blending Node compile in UE 5.4.2

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Aug 2, 2024

When the SetMaterialAttributes Material Expression is used without an input to MaterialAttributes, it will cause Landscape Layer Blend expressions to fail to compile if it is the only layer on a par ...

Oodle CompressionLevelNameMap is missing an entry for Optimal5, leading to a crash in the texture editor

RAD - Oodle - Aug 2, 2024

Due to a missing string in CompressionLevelNameMap in OodleDataCompression.cpp, it is possible for LevelName to be left uninitialised after parsing the compression effort, which causes a crash when ...