When setting up a scene with a persistent level and any sublevel that contains a landscape that is loaded via load stream level node in the level BP can cause the ILC to not be correctly assigned fo ...
In the Content Browser in the Viewport to the right of the Content Browser outliner (*see image): If you are in Tile View you can drag an asset into a folder in the same viewport and successfully m ...
Users are reporting crashes and poor performance when generating foliage using the Experimental Procedural Foliage Volume tool. Regression? Yes, this does not occur in the previous engine version o ...
Datasmith Scene actor that is a Child will be unlinked from scale changes if parent scale is set to 0 ...
The Axis input values for SteamVR motion controllers will increase exponentially by 2 from the moment the editor starts and every time the user enters VR Mode or does a Launch On (eg. Entering VR Mo ...
A memory leak seems to occur when switching between levels multiple times. This is being monitored by memreport full ...
When setting an AnimNotify to an AnimationSequence, this AnimNotify can be triggered multiple times when only set once. This issue only happens when the mentioned AnimationSequence that contains the ...
Light Functions are stretching and flickering on large translucent surfaces. Translucents Surface:[Image Removed] Opaque Surface:[Image Removed] ...
Using a Macro to access a variable from another Actor causes a crash in Standalone. This does not seem to affect any other preview in editor, nor packaged games. Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8 Preview 4, ...
Creating an exposed variable does not always update correctly to the bp's Details panel. They will show as having multiple values until the bp is clicked off and back onto. ...