Debug drawing with AnimDarwDebug~ does not work when RootMotionMode is set to "RootMotion from Everything". In addition, the same issue occurs when MultiThread of Animation is turned off. Licensee ...
The user is specifically having a problem with TArray<TObjectPtr<>> however I have also reproduced this error using a single TObjectPtr<>, raw uobject pointers & all three previous methods within a ...
Burst GCs will destroy the target actor if you attach them to the target (FGameplayCueNotify_PlacementInfo::AttachPolicy) and override the decal fade out (FGameplayCueNotify_DecalInfo::bOverrideFade ...
If you make a Blueprint Macro Library that derives from UObject you are then unable to use any functions that require a WorldContext, like Delay. This is because the WorldContext cannot be assumed l ...
The actor Blueprint is intentionally causing an object slice to occur. In other words, we're copying a derived type to a base type, so the expectation is that only the inherited base properties are ...
Address Sanitizer (asan) is currently not working on iOS. This could be a helpful feature to get working again. ...