With 5.2, we allowed the take separator to be multiple characters long. But it would appear that when using this feature, if you don't also have a 'shot number' before the take separator, then the n ...
The code in MovieSceneSkeletalAnimationSystem.cpp storages montage data on a per skeletal mesh component, per section basis. This (and a few other bits of logic) cause issues for external UDN user w ...
Nexus 9 fails due to unrecognized CPU architecture. Need to add mapping of arm64-v8a to arm64 (UE4 internal architecture for this part) so it will fall back to armv7 for now and in future use 64-bi ...
Applying ApplyAdditive node with Additive motion directly on AnimBlueprint works correctly but applying ApplyAdditive node with Slot node playing additive motion is not working correctly that makes ...
When LightBuild is performed with CornTestBox.umap of EngineTest, 4096 light maps are generated even though [Packed Light and Shadow Map Texutre Size] is 1024. The reason is that the asset's LightMa ...
The pin is missing the checkbox or dropdown to set the switch value on the function call node. It should only look like the screenshot if the switch value is propagated to the next higher caller. ...
When I turn off snap, the problem does not occur The problem does not occur in 4.24.3 and 4.25.4 Occurs in 4.26.2 and UE4main ...
UDN case : [Link Removed] We are seeing a crash in UAnimInstance::DisplayDebug() at the following line: FString MontageEntry = FString::Printf(TEXT("%i) %s CurrSec: %s NextSec: %s W:%.2f DW:%.2f ...
From UDN : we are spawning a number of characters at the same time during the game, and seeing a major framerate hitch when we do so. After the characters have been spawned, we use SetSkinnedAssetA ...