Hot reloading a change that affects a class that contains a TArray UProperty will wipe all of the array elements of any Blueprint subclasses of that class. Regression?: Yes This does not occur in 4 ...
Instance Static Mesh element is not rendered if array element is removed and another is added. The collision is still present and the instance count will still register as if the non-rendered elemen ...
When reverting the change of overriding a function from a blueprint's parent, the editor will crash if that blueprint has a child of its own. Regression?: No This also occurred in 4.16 ...
4.17 does not allow for camera import. If multiple cameras are imported into sequencer, all cameras Current Focal Length change to match the newest imported camera. Mentioning Jira: [Link Remove ...
Export fbx currently exports specific properties that match onto existing maya attributes. Some properties don't match directly but they should still be exported as "custom attributes". ...
Shortcut will still led to create a new function in the macro library. and this makes engine crash with following callstack. Assertion failed: Blueprint->BlueprintType != BPTYPE_MacroLibrary [Link ...
A licensee is reporting a crash where loading a sublevel that contains an actor with a child actor component can cause a crash. After speaking to Marc Audy, this seems to be related to the initializ ...
While in VR Mode, the Transform Gizmo typically renders translucently on top of assets when the selection laser is not interacting with the selected asset. This achieves a level of parity with Deskt ...
This is a longstanding but infrequent Mac crash that has occurred since at least 4.15. Users have not provided any descriptions. Callstack from Log[2017.11.19-04.18.41:283][ 0]LogSlate: Took 0.000 ...
This is an infrequent Mac crash in 4.18.1. Users have not provided any descriptions. Callstack from Log2017.11.27-02.08.07:839][947]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material FLightmassMat ...