There's a pretty substantial memory leak when playing videos with WmfMedia on Windows. ...
If the static mesh has Mirrored UVs on channel 0 it will mess up the "Unwrap UVs for Render" functionality even when using a different channel for UVs that don't have mirrored UVs. ...
Game was rejected from the Mac App Store for attempting gain read/write access to directories which weren't permitted. Reporter of issue has proposed a possible fix on his AnswerHub post: These tw ...
Adding a text render component to a blueprint through C++ at runtime crashes the standalone player. It does not have any effect on PIE. Also, this only seems to occur when the blueprint in question ...
Particle effects are not appearing on mobile previewer, Android, iOS or HTML5. ...
In UE4.5, Opening a Content Examples project and opening the "NavMesh" level, selecting "SM_DemoCube" and moving it results in the editor crashing according to user. ...
Ctrl+z being used within the blueprint editor does not respond. If you translate a cube around the viewport and press ctrl+z, the cube does not revert back to the original location. ...
By accessing the texture property for texture size will cause a crash. Attached image for material graph. Tested in: 4.10.4 Texture Size Texture Property did not exist 4.11.- CL-2927265 4.12 Dev ...
Using a FOV other than 90 with Cast Modulated Shadows seems to cause a black screen and weird FOV issues on an iOS device, in 4.9.2. If the camera has FOV=90, it works fine on the iOS device. If th ...
The project in question: [Link Removed] The user is experiencing an issue where they've fixed compile errors on their NPC blueprint, and now are unable to open it without experiencing a crash. Righ ...