Licensee reports no crashes in EA2. It crashes in Preview 2. The project is uploaded in a BOX due to its large file size. [Link Removed] ...
Showing the mouse cursor and holding down the left mouse button while dragging will cause the MouseX event to broadcast incorrect axis values. ...
The user is shown an "default" tool tip message when hovering the mouse over material parameters. ...
SCS added components pasted from an actor instance in the level editor cannot be deleted from the target Blueprint because the component template has the RF_ArchetypeObject flag. ...
This bug appears to be related to pass filtering. To observe correct behavior. In Project Settings->Rendering->Optimizations, set “Early Z-pass” to “Decide Automatically”, and disable “Mask materia ...
ABrush::SupportsExternalPackaging overrides the base implementation of AActor::SupportsExternalPackaging which returns false for transient actors, but it doesn't call super. As a result, transient ...
Factories registered to the PlacementSubsystem using UPlacementSubsystem::RegisterAssetFactory will always be added to the end of the AssetFactories array. Which means if there are any existing reg ...