Alt+Enter after using the "Stereo on" Command will lock the computer

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 2, 2014

With an Oculus Rift connected, if Alt+Enter is pressed after using the console command "Stereo on" in a standalone game the computer / VR headset will freeze. ...

Crash when changing the number of instances in a grouped sprite component at runtime

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Aug 4, 2016

A crash occurs when you remove a Sprite Instance within a Paper Grouped Sprite component of an Actor BP on Event Begin Play. I was able to reproduce this crash in the binary releases of 4.11.2 and ...

Landscapes do not render on PowerVR device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 2, 2016

When using a level with a landscape on an Android Device with a PowerVR gpu the landscape is not rendering. This was reproduced with Asset# 4719Model: Galaxy S4 GT-19500GPU: PowerVR SGX544MP3OS: 4. ...

Sequencer will not play Blendshape (Morph Target) Animations while in Realtime

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 16, 2016

An Animation Track that references a Blend Shape, Morph Target, Animation will not play when you play from Level Sequencer in Editor unless you turn off real time. Also it seems if Realtime is turn ...

On a Linux project, starter content does not appear in content browser until project is reopened

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 12, 2015

When creating a new project with starter content on Linux, the only asset that appears in the content browser is Floor_400x400. Closing/reopening the project will cause the rest of starter content ...

Editor tabs switch when pressing stop during PIE

Tools - Apr 6, 2015

While playing in PIE, the editor switches back to the main tab when you're in the blueprint tab after you've pressed 'stop'. Therefore, if you're debugging a situation within the blueprint, you're i ...

Typo in Checkbox description

Tools - Nov 11, 2014

Under Project settings > Packaging>"For Distribution" when the user scrolls over this area, the pop up description reads "...If disabled, an development build will be created." ...

Temperature slider seems to be inverted

UE - Graphics Features - May 6, 2015

The slider for the temperature gauge on lighting seems to be inverted. The cooler the temperature is, the redder the shade. The hotter the temperature gets, the cooler it looks (blue). ...

Not including StarterContent/Templates prevents engine .cpp files from appearing in project VS

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2016

If either/both of the "Starter Content" or "Template and Feature Packs" checkbox's are not selected when installing/updating 4.12 from the Launcher, the engine .cpp files will not show up in Visual ...