Right clicking inside the event graph of a blueprint that is derived from PhysicsCollisionHandler will crash the editor CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...
If a macro that contains an enum and enum output is called within an event graph, the enum will show a direction mismatch error upon placing a copy of the macro into the event graph and recompiling. ...
Declaring a UPROPERTY() TArray with TFixedAllocator fails to compile. Output log states "Missing '>' in 'tarray'." Removing/commenting out the UPROPERTY() allows the project to compile correctly. ...
If a controller is plugged in before the editor is opened the viewport camera will start moving forward. If the controller is unplugged the camera will continue the controller input. Additionally, i ...
If the directional light is switched from stationary to static, the Light Source Angle Input option is disabled in the details pane. ...
Some nodes have target pins that auto-fill to target: self. However, unless a value is passed into this node from a get or other means, the blueprint will not compile. ...
When firing a projectile that has CCD activated, the first hit on an object that is either a bsp or very thin wilil draw a debug line through the object instead of drawing away from the impact point ...
Character::OnJumped_Implementation() should be virtual or users' custom implementations will not be called. If they declare it with "override" their code will fail to compile. Already fixed in Main ...
Possibly some sort of issue related to SetDefaultSubobjectClass() rather than UMovementComponent specifically. I was able to reproduce in 4.10 release branch and in //UE4/Main with the test project ...