CTRL+LMB/RMB does not respond once transform widget is out of view

Tools - Jun 23, 2015

When dragging the object in and out of view with the CTRL+LMB/RMB, the object will stop moving once the transform pivot is out of the viewport. ...

Auto-generating multiple levels at once crashes the editor

Creating multiple levels at one time will cause the editor to freeze and lock up and may lead to an "out of memory" crash in the editor. ...

Light Banding for Point Lights at long distances from the World Origin

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 4, 2017

When using a point light far from the world origin the light will have banding. The shadow bias and filter sharpen can help but they are not as consistent as settings near the world origin. The only ...

HISMC UpdateInstanceTransform blueprint function does not update bounds correctly

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jan 26, 2017

Crash when setting Texture Target for Render Target 2D created at Runtime

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 2, 2017

A crash occurs when creating a Render Target 2d and setting the texture target at runtime. After running some more tests, the crash seems to occur when setting the texture target, as the creation o ...

Ribbon Emitter Lifetime Parameter Can Only Be Set Once

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 18, 2017

You can set the ribbon particle parameter for lifetime only once during runtime. After that setting that parameter has no influence. ...

Functions are called multiple times when given more than one reference

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 2, 2017

Functions are called multiple times when given more than one reference. The function is called a number of times equal to the number of references that it is given. ...

ZenGarden's game sequence doesn't play on device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 18, 2017

Zen Garden loads, then the screen fades in and out as if it's ready to begin play. But when the player taps the screen, the only thing that moves are some lensflares, and the level never transitions ...

Blueprint Diff of GameplayTagContainer variable shows difference when there is none

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 23, 2018

GameplayTagContainer does not diff properly. ...