Crash when using a Self reference with a Custom Event variable that is using Pass By Reference. The crash only seems to occur if the setup was created in the Player Controller class. This was origi ...
This is a very rare crash that I encountered in Vehicle Game and so far have not been able to reproduce, however checking the crash history it has been seen before in the wild. This issue may be re ...
In the Cloth level in Content Examples, there is some inconsistent behavior with Owen's trench coat. The coat tails appear heavy (they don't trail behind the character's movement), and the straps a ...
For a specific level with a simple BP actor that contains multiple static mesh components, lighting gets unbuilt after reloading the level, even when there is no change in the level. "LogStaticMesh ...
Baked shadows don't seem to work properly when Absolute World Position is involved with masked materials. The masked material won't render a shadow at all in this case. ...
Incorrect collision on Instanced Static Mesh components that have been non-uniformly scaled and rotated. User Description: I have been experiencing a very annoying bug and I finally decided to tr ...
When running in VRPreview and entering the 'ProfileGPU' command, 'BeginOcclusionTests' is listed twice. As the licensee mentioned, if a project uses heavy occlusion this could quickly become a cost ...
When a behavior tree contains a Run Behavior node, opening the behavior tree marks the asset as "modified" and users would get asked by the editor if they want to save it even when there has been no ...
A licensee is reporting incorrect results when using the Pixel Depth expression and Custom Depth. Custom Depth is working fine, but when combined with Pixel Depth the results are quite different fr ...
If a user has all their audio devices disabled, and then enables the new audio mixer for 4.16, a crash occurs when trying to launch any new or existing project. This is a regression as this crash d ...