The user suggested scaling the TitleBarSize in SWindow::GetClientRectInScreen by GetDPIScaleFactor(), which makes sense to me but doesn't seem to solve the issue entirely. ...
User reports a difference in how component visualizer clicks are handled in editor vs blueprint viewports. This is likely not intentional, just a case of a difference in control flow in each viewpor ...
Reproduced 3/3 times. Issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. Errors:[2022.11.22-18.11.28:472][ 0]LogMetaSound: Error: Target interface is not regi ...
Reproduced 3/3 times. Issue also occurs in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed NOT a Regression. ...
Setting an Audio Analysers NRT settings to None crashes the editor. Assertion failed: nullptr != LoudnessSettings [File:D:\SMoyls_UE5_Release-5.1\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\AudioSynesthesia\Source\Audio ...
I've noticed as I've been working with the Wave Form Editor, that it works fairly well for smaller files, but on longer assets there can be some pretty noticeable latency when adding and adjusting t ...
With the way PLATFORM_XSX, PLATFORM_PS5 etc. are defined, it seems intellisense doesn't know about them, because the .vcxproj only references the Win64 version of Definitions.h, and they are defined ...
"stat llm" does not show that the Audio summary value is the sum of Audio related tags. In the attached screenshot, when executing "stat llmfull", the AudioSummary value is less than the sum of "Aud ...
Encountered while going through some debug commands. Repro 3/3. Crash Reporter Link: [Link Removed]Assertion failed: ChunkIndex != 0 [File:E:\User\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\AudioStreaming ...
Live issue. Stall occurring for some users in the 5.0 Release. Currently hit 577 times by 500 users as of 2022-04-29 No specific project occurring on ...