Low acceleration changes causes the object's velocity to nearly zero out. The range this seems to occur at for the Acceleration change is between the values of zero and approximately thirty. Repro ...
Composite Decorator Graph nodes are not updating titles. Upon closing and reopening the Composite Decorator Graph, the nodes do refresh to their properly set title. Repro Rate: 3/3 Tested this in ...
When switching to an audio device with an unsupportedly high sample rate on XBox, XAudio2System->CreateMasteringVoice will crash. Ideally, it would give a warning instead and swap to the null render ...
Users reported seeing the line "LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class None.'" in the Output log after creating a project. I was able to confirm in a new blank code project without ...
Execution reroute nodes become wildcard reroute nodes when creating a second reroute node off the same execution pin. Note: this does not appear to affect their functionality as execution reroute no ...
A change was made to AActor.GetComponents which appends the results instead of resetting the output array. This seems to only impact 2 places in the code, and has a big side effect in the texture st ...
There is an issue where the undo does not affect movement made by piloting an object in a level. This issue does not appear to be a regression. Versions Tested: This issue occurs in all versions te ...
When Slot animation by AnimMontage and AnimationTrack is done at the same time, the blend result differs from expectation. Probably because if AnimMontage's loop playback by EventTrack is executed, ...
When creating a local binary build of the Engine using the BuildGraph, there are several tools that are built for Win32 even if Win32 was specifically excluded from the BuildGraph (ie. -set:WithWin3 ...
When translating a retainer box in an UMG animation the scale of the retainer box is also affected. Attached is a 4.23 example project. Found in 4.24.3 CL#11590370 Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL#9631420, ...