Switch Skeletal Mesh node crashes the editor if the blueprint is compiled after changing the mesh being called on node. Frequency: 3/3 CrashReporter: N/A NOTE: tied to [Link Removed], however on ...
Importing a large landscape, such as 8192x8192 or 8129x8129 into a project shows that a landscape has been created, however the landscape itself does not render in either wireframe or perspective vi ...
Several folders each prevent user from packaging project. If these folders are moved to a new, blank project, they prevent any packaging, even if the contents of those folders are not within any lev ...
Teleporting a destructible mesh only transports the mesh of the object, the collision remains where it was originally located. Further, if the player runs into the collision, the static mesh will re ...
Moving the camera around with click-drag in this project during Standalone or in packaged games causes choppy camera movement. This does not occur in standard PIE. Test project attached. Notes from ...
When setting up a UMG HUD system, the Multi Line Editable Text box component will accept text, but all text entered is on a single line with a horizontal scroll bar rather than wrapping to a new lin ...
The child component of a blueprint cannot have their collision altered through the details pane of the main editor viewport if the child component is a sphere. All changes must occur in the blueprin ...
Actors selected with the foliage lasso tool cannot be deleted. User must select individual assets or use another method to delete actors. ...
Actors destroyed are set to 0,0,0 for one frame, which causes collision temporarily before they are completely removed. This only occurs on objects that are attached to a component using the attach ...
Objects do not react well to negative scaling with the scaling widget. Once an object hits 0 then pushes into negative values it begins stuttering between small float values until the user stops goi ...