A licensee is reporting a crash when he transforms/moves a single instance of foliage, when there are 15,000 or more painted instances of that mesh in a single map. Regression Yes, I tested the sam ...
An apk packaged in 4.8 release with 'Package game data inside .apk' unchecked does not create a SaveGame folder in the device's directory and does not create a .sav file. File is saved if the SaveGa ...
User reported that he was experiencing a crash when attempting to put in Games App ID in Android section of project settings. Note that this occurs only if the Configure Now button in the APKPackagi ...
Most GameMode classes cannot be set in Blueprints. Only Set Default Pawn Class and Set HUD Class have Setters available in Blueprints (the Getters are all still available). Reproduced in 4.8.0 and ...
When launching/playing a game in windowed mode, the lower resolution settings remain when using the command "r.setRes 1920x1080f." The user is saying for example if he runs the command "r.setRes 64 ...
In 4.5 and previous versions, a State or Transition node had a Custom Blueprint Event field in the Details panel under Animation State for three events. AnimBP States and Transitions no longer have ...
A Blueprint derived from a custom Actor class resets its variables to their default values when the Actor is duplicated, even if the actor being duplicated has a different value for that variable. T ...
When you add a parameter by doing DUPLICATE of an existing one, the new settings don't take effect. (Adding parameters and other copy/pasting seems fine as far as I can tell) I verified this at EGJ ...
Compiling a Blueprint that uses a Select node with two different variations of Actor will crash the Editor in 4.9. In 4.8.2 binary, one input of a Select node will be disconnected on restarting the ...