GPU Particle Emitter noticable stutter with steady stream

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 1, 2016

When using a GPU particle and setting a steady stream there is an obvious stutter compared to 4.10.4 where everything worked smoothly. Regression: YES This issue did not occur in 4.10.4 CL-2872498 ...

Visual Studio is required to create a new Blueprint script component

Tools - May 26, 2015

If a user does not have visual studio installed, they are not able to create new Blueprint script components and are given the error message "No compiler was found. In order to use C++ code, you mus ...

Sidescroller Character Gets Stuck on Platform Edges When Moving on Tick

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Nov 2, 2015

When converting the character movement in the sidescroller template to occur on Tick instead of key press, the character will begin to run, and then get slightly hung up on the edge of the platform ...

LineTraceSingleByObject not Returning Valid Physical Material

UE - Gameplay - Mar 22, 2016

Attempting to perform an is valid check on a physical material from a FHitResult returns invalid. This does not occur when using a blueprint setup, it only seems to occur when using code. Found ...

Transform gizmo on sockets can become large and unusable

Tools - Feb 19, 2016

Transform gizmo can become huge when using certain meshes to create a socket on. I don't know exactly what's wrong with this mesh, but the transform gizmo isn't expected to go nuts. [Image Removed ...

Input Axis Continues to Fire After Standalone Window Loses Focus

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Feb 17, 2016

When using an input axis for a task such as moving a character, losing focus on the standalone window while holding the key does not stop the axis from firing, which means the character will continu ...

K2Node_SwitchEnum doesn't use EnumRedirects

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Nov 30, 2016

Dynamic Nav Mesh rebuilds incorrectly on World Origin Shift

UE - AI - Jan 30, 2017

Dynamic Nav Mesh rebuilds incorrectly on World Origin Shift. It must be rebuilding (physics objects, etc) while the origin shift is taking place; then the nav mesh will rebuild at different heights ...

Mouse is not captured by default in PIE for the last client window created

Tools - Apr 28, 2017

Mouse is not captured by default in PIE for the last client window created. The last client does not capture the mouse automatically. This issue is similar to [Link Removed], however it appears to b ...

Touch input registers as a Keyboard input

UE - Gameplay - Input - May 11, 2017

Touch events registers as Keyboard Keys rather than a separate key type. ...