Using the "Split Struct Pin" right click option on the rotation pin breaks the functionality of the Transform Bone node in Animation Blueprints NOTE: I noticed the Roll/Pitch/Yaw are in a differen ...
When using the "Keep World Position" attachment type, the child mesh does not scale properly with the parent. X scales normally, but Y and Z seem to be swapped. [Image Removed] The name "Keep Wor ...
Duplicating an actor that calls a custom event from another actor receives compile error until the node is removed and replaced. ...
If a breakpoint is placed on a node in blueprints and then PIE is started, if the breakpoint node is triggered and the user presses F10 (keyboard shortcut to skip to next node), the logic will not c ...
If a user opens gameplay debugger ( ' pressed while in PIE), all print string outputs to screen disappear, and will no longer appear during any PIE session until editor is closed and re-opened. Wo ...
Add Actor Local Offset does not work for Client Characters. The client attempts to move but is forced back to start, resulting in a jitter and not the intended movement. The same movement setup in a ...
Interface functions called as events in Blueprints that implement the interface cannot be set to replicate. When the event node is clicked, the Details panel is empty. Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8, and ...
All Sprites and Flipbooks besides the player's appear blurry when the player character moves. It is more evident in some sprites than others, but it appears that any sprite or flipbook that are not ...
The users AI characters will work correctly while in PIE & Standalone Mode but when in a packaged project they will float above the ground. This was working correctly for the user in 4.4.3 but the ...
When using Chinese characters in Blueprints, it will almost always see a crash when saving the project and PIE. This only occurs in the 4.6 release build. It does not occur in Main. Crash Report: ...