After a Start Up movie has completed playing, the initial default map will not load until the user clicks the mouse. The option to 'Wait for Movies to Complete' is checked which will force the user ...
When attempting to isolate selected actors using the 'Show Only Selected' visibility option, grouped actors under this command will disappear and leave green spherical bounding wireframes indicating ...
It is possible to rename a Function Output the same as a Local Variable, which causes a compile error: Error Internal Compiler Error: Tried to create a property TestVar in scope NewFunction_0, but ...
Child Actor component is not affected by the 'Visible' and 'Hidden in Game' settings. It is still rendered in the bp viewport and in the level during play. Even if the 'bpSelf' is set to hide in g ...
Copying a call to a Custom Event or Function in another Blueprint and pasting it in the Blueprint the Custom Event or Function comes lives in will cause a compile warning or failure. In 4.7.5 it giv ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: false [Link Remo ...
When an actor that is spawned at runtime is moved via SetActorLocation and collides with a static object, no hit events will be fired. If the same static actor begins simulating physics, the dynamic ...
Setting any of the numpad keys to an input command does not execute the command on Linux. ...
The new SceneCapture2d feature 'SceneDepth in R' is not rendering the scenes depth in both Perspective and Orthographic projections as expected. The user originally mentioned he was using Orthograp ...
When a blueprint that is based on a custom class is migrated from one project to another the references to the original class are held. This means that the blueprint is unusable in the new project, ...