An occasional crash occurs when adding a sphere reflection capture to the scene from the place mode panel. This issue has a low repro, but has been seen a couple times. Repro rate seems to be around ...
Oculus store does not accept APKs signed with v2 signing from Gradle. ...
Shortcut will still led to create a new function in the macro library. and this makes engine crash with following callstack. Assertion failed: Blueprint->BlueprintType != BPTYPE_MacroLibrary [Link ...
The launcher version engine cannot find *.inl file from installed location (i.e. in my case it is located at D:\Launcher\UE_4.19\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Kismet\KismetMathLibrary.inl) an ...
The issue appears to be the type of the input pin on the custom event(or function - both behave the same), under normal circumstances it should allow you to pick the enum from a list on the calling ...
When using OverlapAll as a collision preset on a Cube, the collision will trigger when placed near a wall even if the Character has not collided with the Cube. ...
It can select ChildActor with the Eyedropper tool. Since ChildActor is an actor created temporarily, when you restart the Editor it becomes empty because there is no reference. When selecting AActor ...
Light Map Resolution is set to a small value (4 or 8), it will build normally. ...
Video frames are stored in a queue that keeps growing until the main thread ticks again. Can also be reproduced by playing video then clicking the import file button and leaving the file import dial ...