If nodes are copy/pasted from a project in 4.7 to a project in 4.8, various nodes will not copy over and must be remade in the 4.8 blueprint. ...
Timers set to a low time setting, but that are not set lower than tick, have a significant impact on FPS as compared to tick when updated a large number of objects at the same time. ...
Open Level does not properly work in Launch Game. Instead of streaming the intended level, it streams the previous level. ...
When you have a character in a level and if you setup the blueprint of the character as shown below, the rotation of the character will differ when played Standalone vs Selected Viewport. Photo of ...
Selecting tiles within the Tile Sheet Editor becomes laggy after changing the size and spacing of the tile set. ...
Any material that already exists in 4.11p1, with tessellation enabled, causes assigned geometry to disappear. Any material created within 4.11p1, with tessellation enabled and a base color, causes t ...
Set Actor Location and Teleport from a Character when touching an Actor simulating physics will launch the Actor. User supplied a video demonstrating the problem: [Link Removed] Test project in Pa ...
BoxCollision component must be simulating physics in order for collision and hit events to work. Note: This testbed doesn't contain print outs of the hit events due to an existing bug with adding e ...
Using the Landscape Grasstype will generate log spam for the number of Landscape components being used or if using World Composition will generate a log warning for each tile used. The warning ind ...
If a collapsed or new function is opened and the mouse wheel scrolled to zoom the viewport camera in or out while setting in the new function, it will continuously jerk back to the original position ...