Material Instance Dynamic assigned to Spawnable objects with Editor Utility Widget get reverted when hit the Save button in Sequencer. This appears to come from the Material Instance Dynamic not be ...
DistanceFieldAOHistory introduces ghosting at low scalability and low screen percentages. This can lead to AO artifacts and a ghosting effect from the character. This issue was also observed on //U ...
When the SetMaterialAttributes Material Expression is used without an input to MaterialAttributes, it will cause Landscape Layer Blend expressions to fail to compile if it is the only layer on a par ...
If a bsp brush is rotated, then the brush clipping feature is used the "Brush Clipping" feature will rotate the created face by 90 degrees or disappear entirely (if set at an angle). ...
When a project with a C++ custom game instance is packaged for Android, the game mode is initialized twice from different paths. Device log files attached ...
If a function takes in an FQuat value and then multiplies it by an FQuat, the project will build properly but then crash when trying to launch the project in the editor. Example project available b ...
During runtime, a data only blueprint's class defaults tab becomes greyed out and uneditable during runtime. The values for specific instances can still be edited via the detail's pane. ...
Grass output in materials draws over masked locations, such as landscape visibility holes. ...
Changing the Pin Type on the 'Select' node can cause errors with pins that have been split. ...
When using DFAO and moving around the world a trail will be left behind the where the player has been while PIE/Standalone game is being used. This is cleared when exiting these modes. **Video att ...