Camera behavior mismatch between PIE vs Packaged game

UE - Gameplay - Feb 19, 2015

When a camera is setup in code with GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->SetViewTarget(this); the camera will work in the editor but a packaged version of the game has a black screen. ...

Cannot paint landscape layers onto tiled landscapes

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 30, 2015

paint layers do not take effect on all tiled layers that have a material incorporated if a user attempts to paint on them from the persistent level. ...

Flipping faces on a brush affects all other brushes

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Apr 9, 2015

Flipping faces on a brush affects all other brushes Subtractive brushes will have their internal faces show if enough additive brush faces are flipped. If the faces of a subtractive brush are flip ...

Going to an earlier point of a replay does not update to previous visibility state on an actor that was switched to not visible during demorec

UE - Networking - Jan 5, 2016

Going to an earlier point of a replay does not update to previous visibility state on an actor that was switched to not visible during demorec. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary and Main (//UE4/Dev-Main C ...

Unable to Import Sockets and LODs together for Static Meshes

Tools - Nov 6, 2015

When importing a Static Mesh into UE4 that is using the SOCKET_ naming, and is part of a Level of Detail set, the socket is discarded. If the Level of Detail set is removed from the Static Mesh, t ...

Spline component that is altered in the construction script cannot be referenced by the Event Graph

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 21, 2015

A Spline component that is altered in the construction script cannot be referenced by the Event Graph. ...

Extremely long Spline Point will cause the editor to lose FPS

Tools - Nov 13, 2015

Extremely long Spline Point will cause the editor to lose FPS and crash some machines User Description: A couple of times I've accidentally scaled a spline node to be huge, causing the spline to ...

Controller::GetPawn() returns NULL in 4.9

UE - Gameplay - Sep 3, 2015

Making a call to GetPawn in an AIController class will return NULL which will crash when that return value is used. This is a regression as the call is made successfully in 4.8.3. Working CL: Work ...

UDIM textures have default Tiling Method set to Wrap but causes incorrect filtering on edges.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Mar 6, 2020

UDIM textures have default Tiling Method set to Wrap but causes incorrect filtering on edges. It should be set to Clamp or Mirror by default. ...

Text doesn't update when wrapped in a Retainer Box

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - May 2, 2022

This is a Regression. Retainer box is prevent Text to update in different situations including binding the text. ...