When working in Manage Mode with Landscapes and deleting a component, if you undo the deletion, you can no longer modify or select the component. I did attempt to rebuild the scenes lighting and ge ...
When setting up a BP via the scene with the new method of adding components and converting to a BP the child component that is set to simulate physics enabled will be offset from its original positi ...
A crash occurs when attempting to run the Pixel Inspector tool after entering 'r.GbufferFormat 3' What this does is defines the memory layout used for the GBuffer. (affects performance, mostly thro ...
Unable to locally rotate individual foliage. This seems to have been a limitation of the foliage tool from it's creation. Licensee Description: I would like to ask if there is any way how to preve ...
When creating a new Blueprint Class based on an Actor parent, If you navigate to the Actor's event graph, and right click on the editor blank space; type "Assign on Destroyed" and select "Assign ...
HUD can cause a crash when used with Mobile. "When running from visual studio exception happens here: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/4.22/Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/Mobi ...
Numerous issues when manipulating destructibles. 1) Changing collision response pre-fracture will not affect chunks post-fracture 2) Changing collisions response pre-fracture will prevent damage f ...
Performing a hot reload after updating an Enum will not reflect the update until the editor is closed/reopened. UPDATE (8/23/17): Restarting the editor dose not immediately update the enum. When ...
This is a somewhat common crash that has affected multiple users in 4.17. User Descriptionstried to compile a blueprint after changing blueprint interface function definitions. Source Code 121 ...
Scroll box no longer scrolls after the visibility has been set to collapsed and back to visible. This only appears to occur when using Remote session. Additional info on setting up remote session: ...