Switching between SM5 and ES31 views in the Editor shows some small variation in landscape heights. ES31 heights are stored in the vertex with some slight lossy compression so subtle variation can ...
Spin Box delta does not appear to affect how the spin box increments through its values when clicking and dragging with the mouse. The spin box appears to increment/decrement by more or less dependi ...
It seems that switching the preview mesh in the control rig editor is affecting the initial transforms in the hiearchies of related control rigs in the level viewport. This seems to be due to the c ...
Preview weight on Landscape Layer Sample affects Grass Output on landscape disregarding layer info Repro Rate: 3/3 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#18319896 and the issue did NOT occur there ...
Bisecting a BSP with another BSP with an axis scale value at a value < .25 breaks bsp faces, causing them to no longer render correctly. NOTES The value at which this begins to occur is 0.249992 ...
Using AddTorque to apply a rotation to a skeletal mesh does not always provide the expected results if a fixed time step is being used. When doing this to the Owen character in the Content Examples ...
When playing in "New Editor Window" mode, entering the r.setres command does not change the screen size. This worked in UE4.27, but no longer works in UE5.0. ...
EV -0.5 [Image Removed] EV 0.0 [Image Removed] ...