Increasing the multiplier past a certain point causes sounds on a Quantization Boundary to struggle to play at the correct time. The repro above uses 1/32, but this also repros with other values. ...
The SoundWave in the Content folder of the attached Project has been exported from Nuendo @ 120BPM 4/4, with a duration of exactly 1 Bar. The BP_Audio Actor uses the TimeSynthComponent to provide sa ...
If a user is logged into a Steam account with between 1 and ~10 friends (Max depends on resolution, as it'll push the excess off the screen) and they open the friends list multiple times, it'll dupl ...
We do have very inconsistent system between Static/Skeletal and the current name is set for ScreenSize. However, Static mesh and HLOD are using ScreenSize name for Screen area calculation. We wan ... Bo Pang from Google writes: "I think there are two issues here: 1 ...
Changing the Global Time Dilation to a very small value and returning it to a large value (by either using the slomo console command or directly in BP - slomo sets TimeDilation) makes Physics simula ...
Sub surface shading model has strange blotch color artifacts when used with ambient cubemap. Since the subsurface profile shading model can't be used with ambient cubemap I wanted to use the regular ...
Setting the Max Jump Hold Time variable to 1 second, and then holding the jump button produces different results depending on the framerate. In this case, the normal jump is at a specific height, bu ...
When Scaling in and out in the UMG blueprints with an image applied to an image widget that is set to border as it's "Draw as" selection the image does not scale correctly. EDIT: The UI should prev ...
When Ribbon Data in a particles system that is following is scaled in an instance the ribbons scale appropriately, but they don't follow updated location of their source particles. See the attached ...