Compiler error after changing the class in a Spawn Actor from Class node, undoing with Ctrl + Z, refreshing the node, and reconnecting exposed variables

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 26, 2015

Compiler error after changing the class in a Spawn Actor from Class node, undoing with Ctrl + Z, refreshing the node, and reconnecting exposed variables. "Error Internal compiler error inside Creat ...

Disable runtime crash processing allocating too much memory

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

User has included logs within his AnswerHub post. Spoke with Jarek S. regarding the crash reporter issues he's experiencing, Jarek has requested Jiras: "​Allocating like crazy is caused by the run ...

Cannot generate a callstack from the user's dll

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

The dumplogs and any other logs requested from this user are listed within this AnswerHub post. I do have the DMP logs currently on my PC if you're unable to download them, they're 1.9GB Jarek S. h ...

Crash processing is taking 3 minutes to complete

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

Jaroslaw S requested a Jira be put in for this issue, their logs are attached to the AnswerHub post: "Based on the logs, it looks like he is getting the callstack now. I noticed that one part of th ...

Visual Studio is required to create a new Blueprint script component

Tools - May 26, 2015

If a user does not have visual studio installed, they are not able to create new Blueprint script components and are given the error message "No compiler was found. In order to use C++ code, you mus ...

Ctrl-Z does not function in Static Mesh Editor

Tools - May 26, 2015

When applying a Material to a Static Mesh in the SM Editor, an event for the undo function is never created and when you undo you are undoing the last action outside of the SM Editor. Also reproduc ...

First Person Game Mode isn't set correctly for new default levels

Docs - Samples - May 26, 2015

When creating a new default level in the first person template, the default game mode is set to 'pawn' rather than 'first person character'. ...

Camera Blocking Volumes register hits from static meshes when using End hotkey

Tools - May 26, 2015

If the End hotkey is pressed to move a mesh down to align on top of another mesh/landscape and a camera blocking volume is below it, the trace down will register a hit on the camera blocking volume ...

Hidden enumerator variables can cause the enumerator to become broken with the Select node in blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 26, 2015

If a user makes an enumerator in C++ and sets one of the variables to Hidden and doesn't make it the last variable of the enum, it will cause issues with the numbering of the enum when using the Sel ...

Swarm Agent Local Host of Coordinator not showing up in Coordinator

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

A Computer which is hosting the Swarm Coordinator no longer shows up as a viable Swarm Agent Computer and if that computer builds lighting will only use itself and not any available agents. Also re ...