Mouse axis does not continue to update when the input is changed to input mode UI only

UE - Gameplay - Aug 11, 2015

When switch the game mode away from game only the mouse axis events no longer tick off or return a value. ...

Tick delta time does not provide the time between ticks (as stated in documentation)

UE - Gameplay - Aug 10, 2015

In the description for delta time given for the tick event it states "Game time elapsed since last call to Tick". This sounds as though it is supposed to calculate the time in between ticks. However ...

Duplicating a level duplicates any Child Actor components of Blueprint Actors in the original level

UE - Gameplay - Aug 6, 2015

Duplicating a level duplicates any Child Actor components of Blueprint Actors in the original level. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2635815) ...

Simulate physics on an actor and then using slomo 0 console command causes force being added to mesh

UE - Gameplay - Aug 5, 2015

If an actor has had simulate physics enabled and then the console command Slomo 0 is used, force will be added to the mesh, causing it to fly. ...

Activating physics on a component will break movement for the component

UE - Gameplay - Aug 4, 2015

Setting simulate physics for a component of an actor will cause that component to not react when the actor root is updated. ...

Skeletal mesh with SetTickableWhenPaused causes crash on pause

UE - Gameplay - Jul 31, 2015

If a skeletal mesh component is has SetTickableWhenPaused set to true then the editor will crash when the game is paused. This happens when set in blueprint or code. ...

Camera Shake Oscillation Duration no longer accepts -1 as indefinite

UE - Gameplay - Jul 30, 2015

The Camera Shake Class no longer allows for indefinite shaking via setting a negative value in the Oscillation duration, per the tooltip instructions. This happens when using either the Play World ...

Unable to dynamically load an animation blueprint in a packaged game

UE - Gameplay - Jul 27, 2015

Dynamically loaded animation blueprints do not work within packaged product. Download the pre-made project from here: [Link Removed] ...

Timeline Scaling to 0,0,0 scales past 0 to negative values

UE - Gameplay - Jul 27, 2015

Scaling objects via a timeline scales past the intended value when attempting to scale to 0,0,0. Instead of ending at 0,0,0 the scale will be set to an extremely small negative value such as -.0019, ...

Event ActorBeginCursorOver does not appear to be working

UE - Gameplay - Jul 27, 2015

When using the event ActorBeginCursorOver the event does not fire off when the cursor hovers over the actor. ...