IsDataValid is not called on components inherited via the Simple Construction Script

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 7, 2021

IsDataValid is not called for components inherited via a parent's SCS. I've attached a small repro project. (4.27) ...

When the value of the TMap variable of the child blueprint is changed and compiled, it will restore to the default value of the parent blueprint.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 1, 2021

For TMap variables of type struct created in blueprint, if change the default value in child blueprint and compile, it will restore to the default value of the parent actor. This problem does not o ...

AbilityAsync objects do not have proper EndAction support

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 18, 2021

UAbilityAsync objects do not properly support a way to EndAction like a UAbilityTask. ...

Making a Movie Scene Section Parameters struct in Blueprints will use the incorrect Can Loop values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 26, 2021

Can Loop is the edit condition for two other values in the struct, and those will have values by default when the node is created, so Can Loop will be true in the make struct node.  You can work ar ...

Editor becomes unresponsive for long periods between edits of a user-defined enum type when it's referenced by one or more user-defined struct types.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 17, 2021

After adding a member to a user-defined struct type and changing the member type to a user-defined enumeration, repeated edits to that enumeration will eventually cause the editor to become increasi ...

Nativized blueprint does not support reading values from TRange structs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 10, 2021

Compile errors will occur during packaging with Blueprint nativization enabled if e.g. "Get" nodes are placed in a Blueprint on FFloatRange struct types (or any other explicit TRange derivative) and ...

Adding a new component to a parent class breaks child Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 16, 2021

See UDN(308147): [Link Removed] ...

Crash when deleting the Add Component By Class node after changing the Relative Transform of the component

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 31, 2021

When adding the Add Component By Class node, choosing a class that has a Relative Transform pin, changing the transform, and deleting the node the editor crashes. I tested this with the Skeletal Mes ...

Current Max Draw Distance Field doesn't update if actor detail panel is open when Desired Max Draw Distance is changed in BP Editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 30, 2021

This issue seems to occur if and only if viewing the value in the details panel. Following the above repro steps without looking at the value in the details panel, and then clicking the asset to ins ...

Blueprint RepNotify functions cannot include a parameter representing the old value of the property

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 4, 2021

In C++, a replicated property's RepNotify function can include a parameter that represents the property's value before the new replicated value was applied. In blueprints, RepNotify functions are no ...