Structure variables in Child Blueprints do not maintain the default values set in their Parent Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 12, 2015

Values changed to an inherited Struct variable in a Child Blueprint will be kept after compile, but any not changed will be set to 0s. ...

Custom Events with duplicate input names will not compile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 12, 2015

Custom Events with duplicate input names will not compile. This does not occur immediately: creating two Custom Events with two identically named inputs will not cause a compile error, but if you re ...

Duplicating a Timeline from the MyBlueprint tab creates a Timeline variable with no actual Timeline which cannot be renamed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 10, 2015

Duplicating a Timeline from the MyBlueprint tab (instead of duplicating it in the Graph) creates a Timeline variable with no actual Timeline to edit. It is only possible to Set or Get this variable. ...

Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 9, 2015

Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self. Without one, the BP fails to compile with the following error: "Error Variable node Get NewVa ...

Crash in Standalone when using a Blueprint Library Function inside a Macro from a Macro Library

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 9, 2015

Using a Function from a Blueprint Library inside a Macro from a Macro Library will cause a crash when using Standalone Game for PIE. The same setup will function as expected when Playing in Selected ...

Cast nodes compile without warning when no object is selected/passed in

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 8, 2015

Cast nodes compile without warning when no object is assigned to the cast nodes object input pin. ...

Parent blueprint cannot cast 'self' to child blueprint - gets compile error on PIE

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 8, 2015

When attempting to cast a parent actor to a child actor, if the parent uses "self" as the target of the cast the blueprint will compile, but when PIE is pressed a compile error will appear. ...

Target pin creates compile errors unless value is set outside of node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 8, 2015

Some nodes have target pins that auto-fill to target: self. However, unless a value is passed into this node from a get or other means, the blueprint will not compile. ...

Clicking the Yellow Reset to Defaults Button on an exposed Value for struct Arrays always defaults to '0'

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 8, 2015

When using the track builder plugin, the default settings for the track width starts at 1. However, when the yellow arrow is clicked to to restore the track back to default it sets it to zero instea ...

Get Blackboard Value with null input causes crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 6, 2015

Getting a blackboard value as actor and setting an actor to that on tick causes crash. The real issue here is that you can use a function in BP (in this case `UBTFunctionLibrary::GetBlackboardValue ...