Layered destructible meshes do not simulate correctly

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Aug 10, 2015

Layered destructible meshes do not simulate in the same way between UE4 and PhysX Lab. The observed issues are: 1) After first fracture no more damage is applied 2) Areas seem to react differently ...

Sound plays twice when switching camera modes

UE - Audio - Aug 7, 2015

Playing a sound (firing weapon) and switching the camera mode will cause the gunfire sound to play twice, once from the weapon's position when it's fired and again as through the sound was coming fr ...

Using /*/ to create multiline comments in header files can prevent Visual Studio from successfully building a project.

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 7, 2015

If a multi-line comment is made in a header file using the format /*/ at the beginning and ending of the comment, UHT will fail to compile the project and will display the following errors: 1> C:/ ...

Data Only blueprints Class Defaults page become uneditable during runtime

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 7, 2015

During runtime, a data only blueprint's class defaults tab becomes greyed out and uneditable during runtime. The values for specific instances can still be edited via the detail's pane. ...

Window position is broken when using Windows 7 WINVER.

Tools - Aug 6, 2015

A user reported that the Window Position calculation is incorrect with Windows 7 WINVER. The source code appears to be using the calculated left value for the left side of the window, but the calcul ...

Duplicating a level duplicates any Child Actor components of Blueprint Actors in the original level

UE - Gameplay - Aug 6, 2015

Duplicating a level duplicates any Child Actor components of Blueprint Actors in the original level. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2635815) ...

Adding a StaticMeshComponent pointer to a derived StaticMeshComponent class has inconsistent behavior

UE - Gameplay - Components - Aug 6, 2015

Adding a UStaticMeshComponent pointer to a class derived from StaticMeshComponent allows for two meshes to be set by a single component. Setting two meshes inside a blueprint this way will only allo ...

Using HideCategories specifier does not hide custom categories

Tools - Aug 6, 2015

If a Component/ variable is given a custom category in code, using the HideCategories specifer inside the UCLASS macro does not hide the category. ...

Switcher widget causes a crash when dragging a widget out of it and on to the canvas panel

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 6, 2015

If the user adds two widgets to a switcher and then tries to drag one out of it the editor will crash ...

LightPropagationVolume plugin can not be disabled

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 6, 2015

SceneRenderTargets.cpp includes LightPropagationVolumeBlendable.h, which means if you disable the LightPropagationVolume plugin and compile, you will get compile errors. ...