Enum to Byte conversion returns 2 for the first enum then 4 then 6 and so on rather than 0, 1, 2, etc. This is a regression; does NOT occur in 4.8.3. Reproduced in 4.9.0 binary and Main (2675088) ...
If a scene component is added to a child blueprint and the parent blueprint is compiled, a log warning will appear that states: "LogBlueprint:Warning: USimpleConstructionScript::FixupRootNodeParen ...
Destroying a Component doesn't trigger the OnComponentEndOverlap node User Description: OK, so I have an actor with only one component: BoxCollision, with default settings. I place it on map. In m ...
Array inputs in Custom Events cause a compiler "note". On compile, "NOTE" is added to the node, and this appears in the Compiler Results: "Info No value will be returned by reference. Parameter 'Lis ...
Map Check message log gets spammed with External Reference warnings when a project is converted to 4.9 from a previous engine version. These warnings don't seem to actually do anything to projects o ...
Interface function has the incorrect pin type if referencing self User Description: I have an interface that requires an array of its own interfaces as output. I have that array of interface as a ...
Trying to create/open projects in the current github master branch will quietly fail at 94% with no crash error or logs.UE4Editor-Core.dll!rml::internal::Block::findObjectSize() UE4Editor-Core.dll! ...
If an interface is removed from a blueprint and an interface function is transferred to a local function, the interface cannot be re-implemented in the blueprint. ...
Problem: When you press any of the Joint Presets buttons on a Physics Constraint Actor that is placed in a level the buttons do not do anything. Solution: Pressing the Joint Presets buttons setup t ...
After vertex painting on a Static Mesh component of a Blueprint, the Vertex paint data is lost when the Blueprint is copied. Oddly, pasting into a text editor shows VertexColorData, but it seems to ...