Unable to use TWeakObjectPtrs for the optional Old value for a repnotify function

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - Oct 8, 2018

A user has reported that Unreal Header Tool fails to parse a rep notify function properly when the optional parameter for the Old value is populated with a TWeakObjectPointer. Example of errors:Sev ...

Race condition whilst cooking material layers: Invalid DDC key

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 5, 2018

When cooking the DDC key for a material layers parameter set may become invalid which causes issues reading/writing to the global material shader map and can lead to a crash. See original UDN post f ...

UE_ASSET_LOG assert if component name contains invalid characters

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 4, 2018

Blueprint components are able to be renamed to strings which are not valid object path names. If named improperly, MyComponent->GetPathName() will return an object path that will fail FPackageName:: ...

Ensure Occurs When Using Russian Letters In a Text Variables

UE - Gameplay - Oct 4, 2018

The Editor will hang when using Russian characters for a text variable in a Blueprint. It seems to occur when using the character "л" is used. Only seems to occur once in a project. Found in 4.19 C ...

GameplayTask classes that have a BeginSpawningActor function never call the Activate function

UE - AI - Oct 3, 2018

A class that inherits from GameplayTask which also has a BeginSpawningActor function will not have its Activate function fired properly. Removing this function causes it to fire properly. Regressio ...

Default collision profile is effected by previously set profiles

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 3, 2018

During play: Switching from a defined collision profile to the default profile results in default behaving as the previous profile. Switching from this to the custom collision profile results in ...

BlueprintAuthorityOnly functions can incorrectly be called from a nativized, cooked client build.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Oct 3, 2018

If a nativized Blueprint event graph includes a call to a native, BlueprintCallable function that's also marked BlueprintAuthorityOnly, if the Blueprint is nativized, the function will incorrectly b ...

Blueprints with accent characters fail to open when converted from 4.19 to 4.20

Tools - Oct 2, 2018

Any Blueprint with accents in the name, coming from 4.19 won't open in 4.20. Double clicking the asset, trying to right click asset, results in no actions. When loading the project this message app ...

Unable to package with nativized functions that have a delegate-type input variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 2, 2018

Attempting to package a project that has nativization enabled for a function that takes a delegate-type variable as an input results in failure. Regression?: No This occurred in 4.19 ...

Add ENGINE_API to FPhysScene's AddPendingSleepingEvent and AddPendingOnConstraintBreak

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 2, 2018

Add ENGINE_API to FPhysScene::AddPendingSleepingEvent and FPhysScene::AddPendingOnConstraintBreak. Useful when overriding FPhysXSimEventCallback via FPhysScene::SimEventCallbackFactory. ...