Color bubble has no effect in an Event Graph

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 24, 2015

If you add a comment to an Event graph Blueprint and change the comment color, the bubble should not change colors unless the Color Bubble detail is checked. I have included photos to better show ...

Crash when opening maps and blueprints in user's project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 23, 2015

Crash when opening maps and blueprints or PIE in user's project. [Link Removed] Possibly related [Link Removed] -30763-strategy.log is the first log, which indicated that the user's custom "Civil ...

Material Parameter Collection does not correctly render in Widget BP

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 23, 2015

If a Material Parameter Collection with a Scalar Parameter is used within a material and that material is called within a widget the scalar parameter will render with a 0 value, even when set to ano ...

Tiled Landscapes imported with inverted Y axis rotation in World Browser

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Feb 23, 2015

When importing tiled landscapes into the world browser, the landscape tiles appear with inverted Y axis rotations. ...

Add a way to specify the font size when using a runtime font with AHUD

Tools - Feb 23, 2015

AHUD::DrawText can currently only accept a UFont asset. An overload of this that took a FSlateFontInfo would allow people using Blueprints to override the font size and typeface (as you can already ...

UMG Textblock with no font drops FPS by ~30

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 21, 2015

FPS drops in PIE when a widget is called that has text with no font selected. ...

Delay node after a Destroy node breaks blueprint string

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 20, 2015

When a delay node is placed after a Destroy node in a blueprint string, nothing after the delay node will trigger. Removing the delay will trigger following nodes. ...

Set Timer node does not stop the timer if it is set to zero by the Custom Event

UE - Gameplay - Feb 20, 2015

Set Timer node does not stop the timer if it is set to zero by the Custom Event. This is also true if Set Timer Delegates are used. ...

Creating an exposed variable does not always update correctly to the bp's Details panel

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 20, 2015

Creating an exposed variable does not always update correctly to the bp's Details panel. They will show as having multiple values until the bp is clicked off and back onto. ...

Landscape does not conform to splines correctly

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Feb 20, 2015

When attempting to deform a landscape to landscape splines, the landscape often does not correctly conform to the spline and will appear through portions of the spline or the spline will "float" abo ...