[MetaSounds] - Sound Waves used in composition cut out after GC in packaged game if the reference graph uses a literal input

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Mar 18, 2022

When a Sound Wave is set on a referenced node, and that node is used in composition, the Sound Wave will cut out after some time. This does not occur if the reference node uses an Input node for the ...

[MetaSounds][Trigger Route] - If Value 0 is a non-zero value and Value 1 is a zero value, the output "pops" on triggering Set

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Mar 18, 2022

When using the Trigger Route node, if Value 0 is a non-zero value and Value 1 is a zero value, the output "pops" on set. [Link Removed] ...

Editor crashes when an Animation Blueprint Template is compiled with 'Layered Blend Per Bone' node

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 17, 2022

Editor crashes when an Animation Blueprint Template is compiled with 'Layered Blend Per Bone' node. ...

Type Promotion does not work with Soft Actor class references

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 16, 2022

The same issue occurs with "Not Equals" operators on this pin type. Workaround: Add "softclass" to the TypePromotionPinDenyList in the blueprint editor preferences.  ...

C++ Third Person Template project crashes when opened

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 16, 2022

Third Person C++ project crashing on open on Android Devices 4/4 Repro rate ...

[MetaSounds] - Trigger on Threshold node Crashes editor on play when using literal value for threshold

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Mar 15, 2022

Editor crashes when Trigger on Threshold node is hooked up in a Metasound graph and played using a threshold value defined on the node. If you use an Input node for the Threshold value, the crash do ...

Adding an output to the default function of a Blueprint Interface now requires the Interface to be compiled in order to change the output's values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 15, 2022

In 4.27 immediately upon adding an output to the default function that output can be edited without needing to be compiled. In Preview 2 once an output is added the Blueprint Interface needs to be c ...

ARCore: Camera does not function in ARDebugCheck app

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 14, 2022

The camera is not turning on when using the ARDebugCheck app. Some details:The app does not ask for Camera permission and defaults to denied.ARDebugCheck is a Black screen after selecting "Start AR" ...

[CrashReport]UnrealEditor-D3D12RHI!FD3D12QueryHeap::EndQueryBatchAndResolveQueryData(FD3D12CommandContext &) [D3D12Query.cpp:408]

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Mar 14, 2022

Generated from CrashReporter Error Message:Assertion failed: ActiveAllocatedElementCount <= QueryHeapCount [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Query.cpp] [Line: 40 ...

[Device Swap] - Ensure when connecting a controller or USB audio device while audio is playing in PIE

UE - Audio - Mar 11, 2022

Ensure when swapping to a newly connected USB audio device.  {no format} Ensure condition failed: Cache.Contains(DeviceIdName) [\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\AudioMixerXAudio2\P ...