Spin Box delta does not appear to affect how the spin box increments through its values when clicking and dragging with the mouse

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 12, 2017

Spin Box delta does not appear to affect how the spin box increments through its values when clicking and dragging with the mouse. The spin box appears to increment/decrement by more or less dependi ...

Exporting Skeletal Mesh with Cloth applied creates a duplicate mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - May 12, 2017

Exporting Skeletal Mesh with Cloth applied creates a duplicate mesh ...

Cannot Assign Clothing Asset after creating it

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - May 12, 2017

Cannot Assign Clothing Asset after creating it ...

Crash when updating phsyics simulated box extent during runtime

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 12, 2017

If a Box Collision component is set to simulate physics, calling "Set Box Extent" causes the editor to crash. Workaround: Setting Collision Enabled for the box component to "Physics Only" or "Query ...

Build fails if a project contains a struct with a name in all caps

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - May 11, 2017

Using all caps for the name of a struct defined in code that includes a constructor will cause the build of the project to fail in Visual Studio. The error that is given suggests that a semi-colon i ...

Crash closing a project that was packaged on Windows for Linux

Tools - May 11, 2017

This occurred with both Development and DebugGame build configurations. In the game's console I tried both "quit" and "exit" and reproed the crash. The crash also occurs via Alt + F4 or closing vi ...

Extra Sphere collision is shown when setting it to not be hidden in game for the BP_motionController in the VR template

Docs - Samples - May 11, 2017

Extra Sphere collision is shown when setting it to not be hidden in game for the BP_motionController in the VR template. This also appears to be happening with other debug shapes including the deb ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UBlendSpaceBase::UpdatePreviewBasePose() [blendspacebase.cpp:1220]

OLD - Anim - May 11, 2017

This crash has been logged due to high frequency among our users. I have tested in 4.15.2 based on the user comments below, but have been unable to reproduce this issue. In my attempts the Blendspa ...

Crash adding camera to world after creating sequence in VR Mode

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 11, 2017

Dragging a CineCameraActor into the world after creating a new Sequence in VR Mode causes a Crash ...

Scroll bar becomes so large that you can no longer scroll with Cloth Config open

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 11, 2017

Scroll bar becomes so large that you can no longer scroll with Cloth Config open [Link Removed] is a similar report, but this actually affects functionality of the details panel. [Image Removed] ...