Going over the new features for 4.15 and I noticed that adjusting the transform of the keys in Sequencer, causes them to change to a linear interpolation. This is also effected if you select Transfo ...
Tasks in the behavior tree are visually represented as running parallel to one another instead of sequentially when looking at the behavior tree visualizer. This does not seem to have an effect on f ...
Timespan properties created in C++ but set in blueprints are not returning the correct values. ...
In FTextLocalizationResourceGenerator::GenerateAndUpdateLiveEntriesFromConfig() lines 216-222 are meant to get the Archive Name. However line 218 appears to be a copy of line 210 and is set to Mani ...
Audio plays through Oculus headset in standalone (even when HMD is not in use) if oculus HMD is plugged in. The sound plays through the headset in standalone when the HMD is not is use ...
Negative scaled static mesh components in a blueprint will invert their faces when converted to a static mesh. Note that this does not happen in the following situations: If the BP is scaled negat ...
Using the View Options option inside of an asset selection dropdown window does not work. None of the options, other than the Scale slider under Thumbnails, will make any changes and the window is i ...
Duplicating an actor with a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh component that has an instance will duplicate the instance as well, but this instance is not rendered. Please note, this was discovere ...
LODs used with the Foliage Tool are no longer being shadowed accordingly with their baked lighting from their base LOD. Originally they would stay consistently lit, where as now the lower LOD transi ...
When the resolution is set to a height that is higher than the monitor's current resolution in Windowed mode without Constrain to Aspect Ratio enabled in the Camera, the aspect ratio becomes squishe ...