The Create New Asset Section for applying an image to a brush is directly under the mouse after clicking on the dropdown. If the user simply clicks (and does not hold down the mouse button) they wil ...
Users can create project with existing name of "Slack" which causes conflict with existing Slack.h. Call stack is log file. ...
While in Standalone Game Mode, Selecting Shift + F1 does not return mouse control to the user as in previous versions of the Engine. ...
When switching editor modes Realtime rendering will always switch back to enabled unless you are in "Place" mode. While in "Place" mode the editor will remember your setting for Realtime rendering i ...
If a level has been saved as two different levels and a new save initiated, the editor will crash if the overwrite is cancelled. Frequency 3/3 Regression (Yes) issue (does not) occur in 4.12.5 ...
AI Move To Location causes AI to lose velocity each time it is called, resulting in a freeze in movement on each call. Regression: Yes Worked: 4.12.5 (CL 3039270) Broken: 4.13.0 (CL 3106830) Funct ...
The landscape editor crashes on the "paint" tab if "Early Z pass" and "Movables in early Z" are enabled in the project settings and the landscape material is either masked or uses pixel depth offset ...
If a Curve Float local variable is created for a function, it will be garbage collected when garbage collection occurs. This causes the process to crash due to an null pointer error whenever it is r ...
When verifying [Link Removed] (GitHub 2762 : Correct subtitle rendering when scrubbing) I found that subtitles will not render while scrubbing the matinee. [Link Removed] has since been closed, but ...
If a blueprint contains an array of a User defined struct type, Adding a variable to the struct or changing the default values of the struct cause the associated blueprint to become dirty. Compilin ...