Crash on launch from executable after upgrade from 4.7.3 to 4.7.4 (CachedAssetRegistry.bin corruption).

Tools - Apr 3, 2015

A user is reporting a crash on launch when launching from the executable rather than the Launcher. User did not have the problem in 4.7.3. No logs or additional information was provided beyond this: ...

DetourCrowdAIController causes AI to update movement differently

UE - AI - Apr 3, 2015

When you use MoveTo BT node, with a target set as Actor and your AIController is DetourCrowdAIController, the AI pawn will update its goal destination much less frequently. Instead of constantly fo ...

Projects crashing on launch after converting from 4.7.3 to 4.7.4

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 3, 2015

A couple users have reported a crash when opening their 4.7.3 project in 4.7.4. From MikeB: The guy is hit ...

Binding a tool tip in UMG to a text variable will not work unless the tool tip already has a default value

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 3, 2015

A tool tip that has been given a binding will not show up unless the tool tip has been given a default value. ...

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion Artifacts

Docs - Samples - Apr 3, 2015

Flickering occurs when using the Post Process Ambient Occlusion (Screen Space AO). This is more noticeable when using stronger values entered into the AO fields. I checked these settings in both 4 ...

Metal - Support 32bit index buffers

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 3, 2015

Metal is not taking the non-uniform buffer path for GPU skinning. ...

Multiplayer Shootout project sample is crashing on start

Docs - Samples - Apr 3, 2015

The project sample Multiplayer Shootout in the Learn tab is crashing on start up with 4.7.4 Crash does not occur on 4.8. Tested by Patrick.D on Main CL-2498147 Pass in 4.7.5 dev. - CKC 2503383 ...

MaterialCurve of AnimSequence is not working with LOD 1~ if assigned Material manually

OLD - Anim - Apr 3, 2015

MaterialCurve of AnimSequence is not working with LOD 1~ if assigned Material manually. Assigning material to LOD0 seems sharing material info with other LODs but material info is never shared if as ...

Instanced Static Meshes Incorrect Normals when Scaled Non-Uniformly

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Apr 2, 2015

When comparing the World Normals of an Instanced Static Mesh being scaled non-uniformly to that of a regular Static Mesh, their normals do not match one another. I have attempted to look over the d ...

The "Get Input Touch state" node does not return false for the "Is Currently Pressed" pin when dragging of screen

UE - Gameplay - Input - Apr 2, 2015

If the user presses down and drags off screen without lifting their finger/releasing mouse button then the "Get Input Touch State" node does not return false (for the Is Currently pressed pin). It c ...