Retargeting a skeleton to a looping animation results in the animation skipping at the end of the loop (Appears to miss 1 or 2 frames.) ...
Circular throbber does not appear to change colors when changing the tint ...
A root motion controlled character would travel further than they should when both EnableUpdateRateOptimizations is on and a.URO.ForceAnimRate is set above 1. Changing "Root Motion from Montages On ...
Collision View modes, such as Player Collision and Visibility Collision, do not work with Instanced Static Meshes. Regression?: No This also occurred in 4.18 ...
Slack thread [Link Removed] ...
When setting Can Ever Affect Navigation to false, moving it, and then setting it back to true, the originally affected area remains, and it also creates a new affected area. This occurs each time y ...
When you ALT-Drag a Decal that is not using the Dbuffer settings, the Engine will crash. The issue is not reproducible in Main Promotable-CL-2581018 This is a regression. Worked in 4.7.6, broken ...
This has been around since public launch. The rotation widgets emissive material will cause trouble with the post processing and reflections in the scene. Especially troublesome if you with bloom an ...
When trying to override the CanJump function of a character blueprint, the function does not show up in the MyBlueprint panel's function section. Hovering over the Function bar shows the "Override" ...
The MiningBuilding Blueprint in this user's project will not compile. Clicking the compile button never switches it to "Good to Go", and a warning that it needs to be compiled appears at PIE. Repro ...