Scene Capture 2D causes the app to crash on Android in ETC2. I checked iPhone and I did not receive a crash. ...
The merge actor tool no longer saves additional UVs used for the merged mesh. This was not the case in 4.13, but in 4.14 and later this information is no longer present. Also worth noting is that i ...
Using a For Loop inside of a Blueprint Function or Function Library will always return index 0 when used in the Construction Script. This was reported and tested in 4.19.2 (CL-4033788). This was r ...
When the scrollbox as the child of multiple retainerboxes, the scroll isn't smoothing. It can see issue with PIE only. If it run with standalone (or package build) is fine. In SScrollBar::ExecuteO ...
When adding a RuntimeVirtualTextureOutput node to a Virtual Texture domain material, the RVT Output node overwrites any data being sent to the normal material node's output, which interferes with th ...
After compile, spawnable actor is stuck in spawned state ...
When switching between windowed and fullscreen modes during runtime the mouse position is reported incorrectly. Eg. A button with a hover over effect will play the effect when the mouse is near but ...
When an object is created procedurally with code and placed into the editor the collision analyzer will detect the object properly. If the object is then moved to another part of the level the coll ...
When a raw NavModifierComponent gets added to a character it cuts a hole in the navmesh (as expected) but doesn't update the location with character's movement. And it should. ...
Actors not marked as Always Relevant do not replicate to Clients that have possessed a vehicle past 15,000 units (the sq root of Net Cull Distance Squared) of the point of possession. Note that repl ...