As a blooming object (the sun in this repro case) leaves the view via the top-edge of the screen, some noticeable banding occurs. Happens in both PIE and -game. Found on: //UE4/Main CL-2991400 //U ...
The settings for "Stiffness" and "Damping" in the Soft Constraint setting for Physics Constraints doesn't seem to have an effect on anything. Regression?: No This also occurred in 4.14 ...
The licensee described it really well so I'll just copy what he said: When EQS debugging is enabled via USE_EQS_DEBUGGER, queries run in 'SingleResult' mode will not clear discarded items from the ...
Licensee reports that Procedural Mesh Component is apparently limited to 4 UV channels, which indeed appears to be the case (e.g. UProceduralMeshComponent::CreateMeshSection arbitrarily processing 4 ...
During gameplay when the view target camera's aspect ratio is not exactly the viewport's aspect ratio, the presence of rendered debug draw elements (DrawDebugArrow, etc) makes the viewport's rendere ...
Changing the Up Ratio of a vehicle movement component incorrectly alters gear shifting. For example, setting the ratio for Gear 3 to 1.0 will keep the vehicle from shifting to gear 2, etc. ...
If the user places a trigger volume into the level and then drives the car into it the over lap event will not trigger ...