When utilizing World Position Offset on Landscapes, the VertexNormalWS only pushes vertices in the vertical direction. Even if you are to sculpt an aggressive slope on the landscape, the vertices ar ...
Backstops show up to be larger than the clothing asset when an asset is imported at a scale other than 1.0 and a clothing assets is created and applied Inconsistent in 4.18 but consistent in 4.19 ...
Sequencer Sub Sequence cannot play back from Master Sequence, when the Property Time Scale is set to numbers under "1.0" ...
Layer's preview weight does not have an affect on the Preview Material for Landscape Layer Blend nodes. Repro Rate: 3/3 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#18319896 and the preview window did g ...
REGRESSION: YesWORKING: 3172292 (4.13.2)BROKEN: 3177600 (4.14) In the Content Examples Animation level, at Display 1.15, the rifles are offset from the character's hands for two of the skeletal mes ...
The Alpha Mask on a Canvas Render Target 2D no longer appears when rendering with ES3.1. This is a regression from 4.24.3 (CL-11590370). This was reported and tested in 4.25 Preview 7 (CL-12759524) ...
While not a major issue in and of itself, this can cause considerable headaches for materials where sampler counts in 5.1 were at 15/16 or 16/16 and when upgrading to 5.2 are now exceeding the built ...
During runtime, the red coin in Stand 1.7 on the Blueprints_Overview map of Content Examples should emit a large spark particle system 5 times. While investigating, I tried disabling "Use Fixed Rel ...
Pausing simulation in PIE does not pause looped timers on the Server when players is set to more than 1. The Client pauses the timer as expected. With only one player, timers are paused as expected. ...