This is a longstanding but infrequent crash that has occurred since at least 4.16.1. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. The callstack closely matche ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Assertion failed: Index >= 0 [Link Removed] [Line: 401] Source Context: 215 ...
Reparenting a blueprint derived from Trigger Sphere to Trigger Capsule will cause the editor to crash. This is a regression. This did not occur in 4.11.2. Source Context: 163 164 ...
This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: Result == FPrope ...
This is a somewhat common Mac crash occurring since 4.15 and into 4.17.1. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. This specific callstack was previously ...
This is a low frequency but trending crash coming out of 4.18. User DescriptionsAttempting to open a copied/converted from 4.16.3 project on 4.18 preview 4. Problem arose after preview 3. Was able ...
In the Android Vulkan Mobile preview mode, when multiple GPU niagara systems are visible and the user moves the camera around the level it can cause a crash, potentially caused by a race condition o ...
If an attempt to spawn an actor is made before the Level Editor Viewport is fully initialized (i.e. before it has had a chance to get rendered at least once), and that actor has no specific Factory ...
If the company name has a number at the beginning of it when packaging for android it returns a series of errors and does not allow the project to be built. The error that is being shown in the outp ...